Do Work Networking Calendar | Boise Area
The ultimate networking calendar!
What you'll get:
Every Networking Group
Every Networking Event
Every Meetup
Every Social
Every Mixer
Every Open House
Every Ribbon Cutting
If it has to do with networking, it is on the calendar!
$10.00 USD
Every month
What Team Best Describes Your Business
Business Services (Accounting, IT Services, Business Coach, Credit Card Processing)
Events (Caterer, Travel Agent, Photographer, DJ)
Marketing (Digital Marketing, Graphics Designer, Promotional Products)
Health & Wellness (Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, Dentist, Supplements)
Real Estate (Realtor, Lender, Moving, Cleaner, Inspector)
Trades (HVAC, Painter, Plumbing, Landscaper, Flooring)
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